Friday, June 1, 2007

"Last time I saw Joe, he was sitting at the table in the corner, over there," he said, pointing to the small, wooden table with two chairs on one side, and a bench seat against the wall. "He ordered his usual - a Newcastle Pale from the tap - and he sat over there most of the night nursing it. I hear he lost his best friend the other day, is that right? Poor guy... that would explain why he spent most of the night in the corner, though. He's usually a pretty upbeat guy, and sits up by the bar. I didn't get a chance to try and talk with him, though... as soon as I got done with my shift I had to beat it - I had a gig to get to across town. As it was, I got there about 10 minutes before we were supposed to start playing...
"Good luck looking for Joe... He was a great guy, once he got to know people."

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